
The Best Large Indoor Plants for the UK

July 16th 2022          By Alexia McCalmont-Green

We all love a plant that can create an impact and so during this blog we take a look at the best large indoor plants to keep in the UK.


'One of the most instagrammable plants around'

Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree

Probably one of the most instagrammable plants around, the fiddle leaf fig tree can be tricky to begin with but worth it for those gorgeous giant leaves. Finding the right balance between light and water with these guys can take a bit of time, but once you’ve found a routine and it’s acclimatised, it’s a beautiful edition to any room.

It grows tree like in that it has a single stem which grows up and tall and pushes leaves out on all sides, you can stunt the growth to encourage further stems to grow if desired. The leaves are large and sparse on the plant. I currently have one in the shop that likes a couple of hours of sun in the morning, bright indirect light for the rest of the day and watering little and often.

The leaves themselves are almost pear shaped with distinct and detailed ‘veins’. They are also on the larger size, the fairly mature plant I have in store has leaves at least 25cm long.

Although they are not the cheapest option, they have recently come down in price and a plant 1m tall can be purchased for under £50.00 in most places.

Large Form Monstera

I couldn’t create a ‘best’ list and not include a Monstera (you guys know I love them!). If you buy a large form Monstera, I can guarantee your home will instantly be transformed into a jungle. The width of the leaves on these beauties appear impossibly big, and the beautiful fenestrations only add further allure. 

Monstera are natural climbers and so these will require some support and these plants can grow enormous over time, so it may be something to consider when bringing one into your home - do you have the space for them to grow?

If you’re lucky enough to have the space, these babies are easy enough to care for. They require a weekly/ 10 day soaking, regular leaf shining and a nice bright spot (they would appreciate some morning or evening sun). 

The price of these really depend on the size of the plant, but I have seen a three leaf smaller plant recently selling for £25.00! Which is an absolute bargain. Usually these range from £60.00 - £140.00 depending on the plant.



Snake Plant

Although snake plants are usually condemned to the ‘low light loving’ lists, they actually thrive in brighter conditions. When grown in bright light, I have found Snake Plants to be fast growing and can grow particularly tall. This might be a good option for those more patient plant lovers looking for a cheaper alternative that they are prepared to nurture for a while.

Smaller snake plants can easily be picked up for under £20, and when kept in a bright North facing window, mine grew to over a metre in height within a year. However, prices start to creep up if you decide to buy the bigger ones.

Snake plants come in a variety of shades but all have sturdy clusters of leaves which stand upright, almost like a snake being charmed (hence the name). They are great for a narrow space as they don’t bush out, instead growing straight and tall. They are also really easy to care for. I keep mine in a bright window and water it once every 2 weeks, it continues to thrive! Top tip - Make sure to dust the leaves regularly so the plant’s ability to photosynthesise isn’t hindered. This is relevant for all plants but because the Snake Plant is so low maintenance, they are often forgotten!


'This is a great plant for those ‘jungle vibes’ and will grow a little wild'

Philodendron Xanadu

This is such a beautiful and unusual looking plant to fill a wide space. It can grow tall but generally grows bushy rather than up. This is a great plant for those ‘jungle vibes’ and will grow a little wild looking and remain leafy green.

Each stem has a single leaf which has about 15 - 20 ‘lobes’ giving it a really unusual aesthetic. Each plant will continue to produce new stems, creating a full and bushy plant.

Philodendrons in general are easy to maintain, the Xanadu is no exception. As long as it lives in a bright spot (it can cope with an hour or two of direct sun), with a chunky well draining soil to ensure the roots are not kept soggy, it will be quite happy!

As with the Monstera, the price of these will depend on the plant, but we regularly have these in store ranging from £35.95 - £49.95.





Bird of Paradise

It is famed for the beautiful flowers it produces, but even in it’s purely green state this plant is a beautiful addition to any room. It has the benefit of growing tall with big leaves, offering both height and width to fill a space.

The leaves can grow huge, don’t worry if they start to develop splits though, this is perfectly normal for this type of plant (and is thought to be useful in it’s native habitat to allow wind to pass through the plant without toppling it over).

Unlike the snake plant, this is a slow grower and so it’s better to buy big if you can afford it. Prices for a larger form of the Strelitzia Nicolai (the Birds of Paradise with the white flower) can start at approximately £45.00 - £60.00 (but I’ve seen them as expensive as £500 for the largest ones). The Strelitzia Reginae (the Birds of Paradise with the orange flower) is currently a little more expensive and more difficult to get hold of.

That’s my round up, and you can order any of the plants listed with us at Nettle & Bark! Get in touch via social media or click below to enquire!

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